Cancer is a condition in which some cells in the body grow out of control and spread to other regions of the body.

Cancer may begin practically anywhere in the billions of cells that make up the human body. Human cells normally expand and multiply (via a process known as cell division) to generate new cells as needed by the body. Cells die as they get old or injured, and new cells replace them.

This ordered process can sometimes break down, resulting in aberrant or damaged cells growing and multiplying when they shouldn’t. Tumors, which are masses of tissue, can grow from these cells. Tumors may or may not be malignant (benign).

 Background Facts on Cancer

Cancer is the leading cause of mortality in the world, with approximately 10 million fatalities expected by 2020.
In Nigeria, the total number of new cases reported in 2020 is 124,850.
There is also a significant fatality rate, with 6 out of every 10 cancer cases ending in death.
Approximately 100,000 new cases of canker sores have been reported in Nigeria.

The 5 Most Common Cancer Types in Nigeria

  1. Breast Cancer
  2. Cervical Cancer
  3. Prostate Cancer
  4. Liver Cancer
  5. Lymphatic Cancer (Non- Hodgkin’s)

The 5 Most Common Cancer Types Worldwide

  1. Breast Cancer
  2. Lung Cancer
  3. Colon and Rectum Cancer
  4. Prostate Cancer
  5. Skin Cancer (non-melanoma)

Need For Early Detection of Cancer

Cancer treatment delays or inaccessibility result in a reduced likelihood of survival, more treatment complications, and a higher cost of care. By delivering care at the earliest possible stage, early detection improves cancer outcomes. Screening is a more effective technique for detecting cancer early. Cancer screening is a proactive strategy to risk and disease management.

Could You Be at Risk of Cancer?

At varying degrees and times, every living tissue in the human body is in danger of malignant development.
By performing cancer screening tests early enough, you may be able to determine your risk level.